Superset Virtual Meetup -- May 2020 Edition
What's new in 0.36, get to know the committers, roadmap items
The Apache Superset hosted its first virtual meetup last week. Like many communities, going virtual is part of our ongoing effort to adapt and adjust to all the COVID-19-induced changes that have now become part of daily life. We wanted to keep our community vibrant, engaged, and growing, however we can.
The turnout was fantastic, far exceeding our expectations. More than 60 people joined our Zoom webinar from around the world, along with more than 10 Superset committers. The whole sessions was recorded for you to watch (see below), but here are some highlights:
Main Presentation
The session started off welcoming the newest committer to the project: Bogdan Kyryliuk (GitHub: @bkyryliuk) from Dropbox! We then did a round of self-introduction from all the Superset committers, because this is the first community-wide event we've hosted. Even though that part pretty much took up the whole first 15 minutes, it was time well spent because the whole community got to literally see who are the people behind Superset, strengthening some much-needed human connections. (It's always good to put a face to the GitHub handle.)
Max (@mistercrunch) and Ville (@villebro) then delivered the main presentation, going over the highlights and major improvements in the latest 0.36 release, like Row Level Security [SIP-29]. They also shared more details on some of the major roadmap items as we look to the 0.37 release and beyond. Two of the items that many community members are looking forward to are: new UI design improvements [SIP-34] and the visuzlation plug-in re-architecture [SIP-38].
We highly recommend you watch the entire recording to get all the details and colors. Please subscribe to our channel as well; we will have many video content to share soon.)
During the Q&A, the project committers answered many questions related to the roadmap, ways that the community can contribute more to the project, and the connection between Preset the company and Superset the open source project. We are taking in all the feedback and suggestions, and will have more to share in the not so distant future.
While the Q&A was happening, there were many questions asked and answered in the Q&A tab in Zoom that unfortunately could not be recorded. Sorry about that. Lesson learned! We are still learning as a team how to create the most accessible, transparent, and useful virtual experience for our community. Future virtual gatherings will be better and better.
If you have any questions, thoughts, comments, and suggestions about anything related to the Superset community, please engage with us on our community Slack channel. You can also join our global community meetup page to get notifications of future events.
See you soon and happy dashboarding!